第七卷 最终章『终焉的年代记』


  Jesus, as man on this earth/耶稣成人降世——

  Silent night Holy night/平安夜 圣善夜

  Where today all the might/今与此 我等见

  Of His fatherly love us graced/主佑我等如父般慈爱

  And then Jesus, as brother embraced./神子拥我等手足以待

  All the peoples on earth/恩降世人万物

  All the peoples on earth/恩降世人万物——

  Silent night Holy night/平安夜 圣善夜

  Long we hoped that He might,/引颈盼 彼力显

  As our Lord, free us of wrath,/救主引领我等释前嫌

  Since times of our fathers He hath/我等父辈时殷殷等待

  Promised to spare all mankind/允诺赦免世人

  Promised to spare all mankind/允诺赦免世人——

  Silent night Holy night/平安夜 圣善夜

  Sheperds first see the sight/牧羊人 初望见

  Told by- angelic Alleluja,/天使们齐唱哈利路亚

  Sounding everywhere, both near and far/圣声响彻了天地之间

  "Christ the Savior is hore"/「救主今夜降生」

  "Christ the Savior is hore"/「救主今夜降生——」


